Document Type : Original Research


1 Faculty Member of Medical Physics and Medical Engineering, Department of Medical Physics and Medical Engineering, School of Medicine, shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Medical Physics and Medical Engineering, Department of Medical Physics and Medical Engineering, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

3 Conscioustronics foundation, Shiraz, Iran


BCI is one of the most intriguing technologies among other HCI systems, mostly because of its capability of recording brain activities. Spelling BCIs, which help paralyzed people to maintain communication, are one of the striking topics in the field of BCI. In this scientific a spelling BCI system with high transfer rate and accuracy that uses SSVEP signals is proposed.In addition, we suggested that LED light sources can provide proper signals for speller BCIs and they can be used in future.
