Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Bowel Cancers Using Radioactive Gold Nanoparticles and Wireless Fluorescence Capsule Endoscopy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Adipose derived Stem Cells
Effects of RF-EMF Exposure from GSM Mobile Phones on Proliferation Rate of Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells: An In-vitro Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Evaluating Performance of Algorithms in Lung IMRT: A Comparison of Monte Carlo, Pencil Beam, Superposition, Fast Superposition and Convolution Algorithms [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Evaluation of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Tumors Electrical Conductivity Anisotropy Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Numerical Modeling on Electroporation [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Area Under the Curve
Pulsed Intra-Arterial Drug Injection during Diastolic Phase of Cardiac Function Increases Drug Efficacy by Enhancing Pharmacological Exposure of Targeted Tissues [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
Increased Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam Fillings due to Maternal Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields as a Possible Mechanism for the High Rates of Autism in the Offspring: Introducing a Hypothesis [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
BALB/c Mice
Look Different: Effect of Radiation Hormesis on the Survival Rate of Immunosuppressed Mice [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Effects of Hesperidin as a Radio-protector on Apoptosis in Rat Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes after Gamma Radiation [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Effects of Hesperidin as a Radio-protector on Apoptosis in Rat Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes after Gamma Radiation [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Biological Dosimetry
A Novel Biological Dosimetry Method for Monitoring Occupational Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Wards: From Radiation Dosimetry to Biological Effects [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Biological Effects
A Novel Biological Dosimetry Method for Monitoring Occupational Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Wards: From Radiation Dosimetry to Biological Effects [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Biological Effects
Effects of Low-Intensity Continuous Ultrasound on Hematological Parameters of Rats [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Blood Cells
Effects of Low-Intensity Continuous Ultrasound on Hematological Parameters of Rats [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Brain Magnetic Resonance Image
Improving Brain Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Segmentation via a Novel Algorithm based on Genetic and Regional Growth [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Breast cancer
Skin Dosimetry in Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer: a Comparison between EBT and EBT3 Radiochromic Films [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Breast cancer
Measurement of Thyroid Dose by TLD arising from Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer Patients from Supraclavicular Field [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Breast cancer
Calculation of Thyroid Dose with Planner System and Evaluation of Thyroid Function after Radiotherapy for Patients with Breast Cancer [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Cardiovascular system
A Lumped Parameter Method to Calculate the Effect of Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion on Anterior Cerebral Artery Pressure Waveform [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Cilia Beat Frequency
Effect of Cilia Beat Frequency on Muco-ciliary Clearance [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Clustering Method
Extraction of Respiratory Signal Based on Image Clustering and Intensity Parameters at Radiotherapy with External Beam: A Comparative Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Contact Mechanics
A Nano-indentation Identification Technique for Viscoelastic Constitutive Characteristics of Periodontal Ligaments [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Development of RadRob15, A Robot for Detecting Radioactive Contamination in Nuclear Medicine Departments [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Continuous Wave
Effects of Low-Intensity Continuous Ultrasound on Hematological Parameters of Rats [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Conventional Radiography
Local-Reference Patient Dose Evaluation in Conventional Radiography Examinations in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Creep and Relaxation
A Nano-indentation Identification Technique for Viscoelastic Constitutive Characteristics of Periodontal Ligaments [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Cyclosporine A
Look Different: Effect of Radiation Hormesis on the Survival Rate of Immunosuppressed Mice [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Dental amalgam
Increased Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam Fillings due to Maternal Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields as a Possible Mechanism for the High Rates of Autism in the Offspring: Introducing a Hypothesis [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Diastolic Phase
Pulsed Intra-Arterial Drug Injection during Diastolic Phase of Cardiac Function Increases Drug Efficacy by Enhancing Pharmacological Exposure of Targeted Tissues [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Diffusion tensor imaging
Evaluation of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Tumors Electrical Conductivity Anisotropy Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Numerical Modeling on Electroporation [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Digimouse Voxel Phantom
Estimation of Photon Specific Absorbed Fractions in Digimouse Voxel Phantom using Monte Carlo Simulation Code FLUKA [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Bowel Cancers Using Radioactive Gold Nanoparticles and Wireless Fluorescence Capsule Endoscopy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Dose to OARs
Evaluating Performance of Algorithms in Lung IMRT: A Comparison of Monte Carlo, Pencil Beam, Superposition, Fast Superposition and Convolution Algorithms [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Local-Reference Patient Dose Evaluation in Conventional Radiography Examinations in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Drug Exposure
Pulsed Intra-Arterial Drug Injection during Diastolic Phase of Cardiac Function Increases Drug Efficacy by Enhancing Pharmacological Exposure of Targeted Tissues [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Comparison of EBT and EBT3 RadioChromic Film Usage in Parotid Cancer Radiotherapy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Comparison of EBT and EBT3 RadioChromic Film Usage in Parotid Cancer Radiotherapy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
EBT3 radiochromic film
Skin Dosimetry in Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer: a Comparison between EBT and EBT3 Radiochromic Films [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
EBT radiochromic film
Skin Dosimetry in Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer: a Comparison between EBT and EBT3 Radiochromic Films [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
EEG Signals
Optimized Seizure Detection Algorithm: A Fast Approach for Onset of Epileptic in EEG Signals Using GT Discriminant Analysis and K-NN Classifier [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Electrical conductivity
Evaluation of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Tumors Electrical Conductivity Anisotropy Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Numerical Modeling on Electroporation [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Electromagnetic Fields
Increased Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam Fillings due to Maternal Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields as a Possible Mechanism for the High Rates of Autism in the Offspring: Introducing a Hypothesis [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Electromagnetic Fields
Short–Term Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Mobile Phone Jammers Decreases the Fasting Blood Sugar in Adult Male Rats [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Electromagnetic Fields
The Fundamental Reasons Why Laptop Computers should not be Used on Your Lap [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
GSM 900 MHz Microwave Radiation-Induced Alterations of Insulin Level and Histopathological Changes of Liver and Pancreas in Rat [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Electrosurgical Equipmen
A Study on Performance and Safety Tests of Electrosurgical Equipment [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Epileptic Seizure
Optimized Seizure Detection Algorithm: A Fast Approach for Onset of Epileptic in EEG Signals Using GT Discriminant Analysis and K-NN Classifier [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Local-Reference Patient Dose Evaluation in Conventional Radiography Examinations in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Local-Reference Patient Dose Evaluation in Conventional Radiography Examinations in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
External Beam Radiotherapy
Extraction of Respiratory Signal Based on Image Clustering and Intensity Parameters at Radiotherapy with External Beam: A Comparative Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Fasting blood sugar
Short–Term Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Mobile Phone Jammers Decreases the Fasting Blood Sugar in Adult Male Rats [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Film dosimetry
Skin Dosimetry in Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer: a Comparison between EBT and EBT3 Radiochromic Films [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Estimation of Photon Specific Absorbed Fractions in Digimouse Voxel Phantom using Monte Carlo Simulation Code FLUKA [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
General Tensor Discriminant Analysis (GTDA)
Optimized Seizure Detection Algorithm: A Fast Approach for Onset of Epileptic in EEG Signals Using GT Discriminant Analysis and K-NN Classifier [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Global System of Mobile Communications
Effects of RF-EMF Exposure from GSM Mobile Phones on Proliferation Rate of Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells: An In-vitro Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
The Fundamental Reasons Why Laptop Computers should not be Used on Your Lap [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Hematological Test
Effects of Low-Intensity Continuous Ultrasound on Hematological Parameters of Rats [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Hepatic enzyme activities
Evaluation of the Protective Role of Vitamin C on the Metabolic and Enzymatic Activities of the Liver in the Male Rats After Exposure to 2.45 GHz Of Wi-Fi Routers [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Evaluating Radioprotective Effect of Hesperidin on Acute Radiation Damage in the Lung Tissue of Rats [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Effects of Hesperidin as a Radio-protector on Apoptosis in Rat Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes after Gamma Radiation [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
High frequency
A Study on Performance and Safety Tests of Electrosurgical Equipment [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Evaluating Radioprotective Effect of Hesperidin on Acute Radiation Damage in the Lung Tissue of Rats [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Insulin Release
GSM 900 MHz Microwave Radiation-Induced Alterations of Insulin Level and Histopathological Changes of Liver and Pancreas in Rat [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Intensity Method
Extraction of Respiratory Signal Based on Image Clustering and Intensity Parameters at Radiotherapy with External Beam: A Comparative Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Internal carotid artery
A Lumped Parameter Method to Calculate the Effect of Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion on Anterior Cerebral Artery Pressure Waveform [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Intra-Arterial Drug Injection
Pulsed Intra-Arterial Drug Injection during Diastolic Phase of Cardiac Function Increases Drug Efficacy by Enhancing Pharmacological Exposure of Targeted Tissues [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Ionizing radiation
Physicians’ Knowledge about Radiation Dose in Radiological Investigation in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Optimized Seizure Detection Algorithm: A Fast Approach for Onset of Epileptic in EEG Signals Using GT Discriminant Analysis and K-NN Classifier [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Laptop Computers
The Fundamental Reasons Why Laptop Computers should not be Used on Your Lap [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Low Intensity Ultrasound
Effects of Low-Intensity Continuous Ultrasound on Hematological Parameters of Rats [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Lumped method
A Lumped Parameter Method to Calculate the Effect of Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion on Anterior Cerebral Artery Pressure Waveform [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Evaluating Performance of Algorithms in Lung IMRT: A Comparison of Monte Carlo, Pencil Beam, Superposition, Fast Superposition and Convolution Algorithms [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Maternal Exposure
Increased Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam Fillings due to Maternal Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields as a Possible Mechanism for the High Rates of Autism in the Offspring: Introducing a Hypothesis [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Local-Reference Patient Dose Evaluation in Conventional Radiography Examinations in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Medical Electrical Equipment
A Study on Performance and Safety Tests of Electrosurgical Equipment [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Mercury release
Increased Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam Fillings due to Maternal Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields as a Possible Mechanism for the High Rates of Autism in the Offspring: Introducing a Hypothesis [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
A Study on Performance and Safety Tests of Electrosurgical Equipment [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Mobile jammer
Short–Term Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Mobile Phone Jammers Decreases the Fasting Blood Sugar in Adult Male Rats [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Mobile Phones
GSM 900 MHz Microwave Radiation-Induced Alterations of Insulin Level and Histopathological Changes of Liver and Pancreas in Rat [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Monte Carlo
Evaluating Performance of Algorithms in Lung IMRT: A Comparison of Monte Carlo, Pencil Beam, Superposition, Fast Superposition and Convolution Algorithms [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Monte Carlo Simulation
Estimation of Photon Specific Absorbed Fractions in Digimouse Voxel Phantom using Monte Carlo Simulation Code FLUKA [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Increased Release of Mercury from Dental Amalgam Fillings due to Maternal Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields as a Possible Mechanism for the High Rates of Autism in the Offspring: Introducing a Hypothesis [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Motion Management
Extraction of Respiratory Signal Based on Image Clustering and Intensity Parameters at Radiotherapy with External Beam: A Comparative Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Muco-ciliary Clearance
Effect of Cilia Beat Frequency on Muco-ciliary Clearance [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Effect of Cilia Beat Frequency on Muco-ciliary Clearance [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
A Nano-indentation Identification Technique for Viscoelastic Constitutive Characteristics of Periodontal Ligaments [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Effects of Ultrasound Irradiation on the Release Profile of 5-fluorouracil from Magnetic Polylactic co-glycolic Acid Nanocapsules [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Numerical modeling
A Lumped Parameter Method to Calculate the Effect of Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion on Anterior Cerebral Artery Pressure Waveform [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Oxidative stress
Evaluating Radioprotective Effect of Hesperidin on Acute Radiation Damage in the Lung Tissue of Rats [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Parotid cancer
Comparison of EBT and EBT3 RadioChromic Film Usage in Parotid Cancer Radiotherapy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Patient Dose
Local-Reference Patient Dose Evaluation in Conventional Radiography Examinations in Mazandaran, Iran [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Patient Safety
A Study on Performance and Safety Tests of Electrosurgical Equipment [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Pencil Beam
Evaluating Performance of Algorithms in Lung IMRT: A Comparison of Monte Carlo, Pencil Beam, Superposition, Fast Superposition and Convolution Algorithms [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Periodontal Ligaments
A Nano-indentation Identification Technique for Viscoelastic Constitutive Characteristics of Periodontal Ligaments [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Physicians’ Knowledge
Physicians’ Knowledge about Radiation Dose in Radiological Investigation in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Effects of Ultrasound Irradiation on the Release Profile of 5-fluorouracil from Magnetic Polylactic co-glycolic Acid Nanocapsules [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Polyethylene Glycol
Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Bowel Cancers Using Radioactive Gold Nanoparticles and Wireless Fluorescence Capsule Endoscopy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
The Fundamental Reasons Why Laptop Computers should not be Used on Your Lap [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Proliferation Rate
Effects of RF-EMF Exposure from GSM Mobile Phones on Proliferation Rate of Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells: An In-vitro Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Pulsatile Injection
Pulsed Intra-Arterial Drug Injection during Diastolic Phase of Cardiac Function Increases Drug Efficacy by Enhancing Pharmacological Exposure of Targeted Tissues [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Radiation Detection
Development of RadRob15, A Robot for Detecting Radioactive Contamination in Nuclear Medicine Departments [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Radiation dosimetry
A Novel Biological Dosimetry Method for Monitoring Occupational Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Wards: From Radiation Dosimetry to Biological Effects [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Radiation Exposure
A Novel Biological Dosimetry Method for Monitoring Occupational Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Wards: From Radiation Dosimetry to Biological Effects [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Radiation Hormesis
Look Different: Effect of Radiation Hormesis on the Survival Rate of Immunosuppressed Mice [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Radiation protection
Physicians’ Knowledge about Radiation Dose in Radiological Investigation in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Radioactive gold nanoparticle
Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Bowel Cancers Using Radioactive Gold Nanoparticles and Wireless Fluorescence Capsule Endoscopy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Development of RadRob15, A Robot for Detecting Radioactive Contamination in Nuclear Medicine Departments [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Radioadaptive Response
Look Different: Effect of Radiation Hormesis on the Survival Rate of Immunosuppressed Mice [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
RadioChromic film
Comparison of EBT and EBT3 RadioChromic Film Usage in Parotid Cancer Radiotherapy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Radiofrequency (RF)
GSM 900 MHz Microwave Radiation-Induced Alterations of Insulin Level and Histopathological Changes of Liver and Pancreas in Rat [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Effects of Hesperidin as a Radio-protector on Apoptosis in Rat Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes after Gamma Radiation [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Evaluating Radioprotective Effect of Hesperidin on Acute Radiation Damage in the Lung Tissue of Rats [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Comparison of EBT and EBT3 RadioChromic Film Usage in Parotid Cancer Radiotherapy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Measurement of Thyroid Dose by TLD arising from Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer Patients from Supraclavicular Field [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Calculation of Thyroid Dose with Planner System and Evaluation of Thyroid Function after Radiotherapy for Patients with Breast Cancer [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
GSM 900 MHz Microwave Radiation-Induced Alterations of Insulin Level and Histopathological Changes of Liver and Pancreas in Rat [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Regional Growth
Improving Brain Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Segmentation via a Novel Algorithm based on Genetic and Regional Growth [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Effects of RF-EMF Exposure from GSM Mobile Phones on Proliferation Rate of Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells: An In-vitro Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Development of RadRob15, A Robot for Detecting Radioactive Contamination in Nuclear Medicine Departments [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
The Fundamental Reasons Why Laptop Computers should not be Used on Your Lap [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Sarcoma tumors
Evaluation of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Tumors Electrical Conductivity Anisotropy Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Numerical Modeling on Electroporation [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Improving Brain Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) Segmentation via a Novel Algorithm based on Genetic and Regional Growth [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Slice Body Volume
Extraction of Respiratory Signal Based on Image Clustering and Intensity Parameters at Radiotherapy with External Beam: A Comparative Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Small intestine
Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Bowel Cancers Using Radioactive Gold Nanoparticles and Wireless Fluorescence Capsule Endoscopy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Specific Absorbed Fraction
Estimation of Photon Specific Absorbed Fractions in Digimouse Voxel Phantom using Monte Carlo Simulation Code FLUKA [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
A Lumped Parameter Method to Calculate the Effect of Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion on Anterior Cerebral Artery Pressure Waveform [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]
Evaluating Performance of Algorithms in Lung IMRT: A Comparison of Monte Carlo, Pencil Beam, Superposition, Fast Superposition and Convolution Algorithms [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Supraclavicular Field
Measurement of Thyroid Dose by TLD arising from Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer Patients from Supraclavicular Field [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Surrogate Breathing Signal
Extraction of Respiratory Signal Based on Image Clustering and Intensity Parameters at Radiotherapy with External Beam: A Comparative Study [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Survival Rate
Look Different: Effect of Radiation Hormesis on the Survival Rate of Immunosuppressed Mice [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Calculation of Thyroid Dose with Planner System and Evaluation of Thyroid Function after Radiotherapy for Patients with Breast Cancer [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Thyroid Dose
Measurement of Thyroid Dose by TLD arising from Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer Patients from Supraclavicular Field [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Measurement of Thyroid Dose by TLD arising from Radiotherapy of Breast Cancer Patients from Supraclavicular Field [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Effects of Ultrasound Irradiation on the Release Profile of 5-fluorouracil from Magnetic Polylactic co-glycolic Acid Nanocapsules [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Viscoelastic Biological Tissues
A Nano-indentation Identification Technique for Viscoelastic Constitutive Characteristics of Periodontal Ligaments [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Viscoelastic Fluid
Effect of Cilia Beat Frequency on Muco-ciliary Clearance [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Viscosity Ratio
Effect of Cilia Beat Frequency on Muco-ciliary Clearance [Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016]
Vitamin C
Evaluation of the Protective Role of Vitamin C on the Metabolic and Enzymatic Activities of the Liver in the Male Rats After Exposure to 2.45 GHz Of Wi-Fi Routers [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Wavelet Transform
Optimized Seizure Detection Algorithm: A Fast Approach for Onset of Epileptic in EEG Signals Using GT Discriminant Analysis and K-NN Classifier [Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016]
Wi-Fi modem
Evaluation of the Protective Role of Vitamin C on the Metabolic and Enzymatic Activities of the Liver in the Male Rats After Exposure to 2.45 GHz Of Wi-Fi Routers [Volume 6, Issue 3, 2016]
Wireless fluorescence capsule endoscopy
Diagnosis and Treatment of Small Bowel Cancers Using Radioactive Gold Nanoparticles and Wireless Fluorescence Capsule Endoscopy [Volume 6, Issue 1, 2016]