Document Type : Original Research
1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Iran
2 Radiation Application Research School, Nuclear Science & Technology Research Institute, AEOI, Tehran, Iran
3 Department of Physics, Islamic Azad University, Parand Branch, Iran
Background: The motions of body and tumor in some regions such as chest during radiotherapy treatments are one of the major concerns protecting normal tissues against high doses. By using real-time radiotherapy technique, it is possible to increase the accuracy of delivered dose to the tumor region by means of tracing markers on the body of patients.Objective: This study evaluates the accuracy of some artificial intelligence methods including neural network and those of combination with genetic algorithm as well as particle swarm optimization (PSO) estimating tumor positions in real-time radiotherapy.Method: One hundred recorded signals of three external markers were used as input data. The signals from 3 markers thorough 10 breathing cycles of a patient treated via a cyber-knife for a lung tumor were used as data input. Then, neural network method and its combination with genetic or PSO algorithms were applied determining the tumor locations using MATLAB© software program.Results: The accuracies were obtained 0.8%, 12% and 14% in neural network, genetic and particle swarm optimization algorithms, respectively.Conclusion: The internal target volume (ITV) should be determined based on the applied neural network algorithm on training steps.
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