Document Type : Original Research
1 School of Information Science and Engineering, Changsha Normal University, Changsha 410100, China
2 School of Mathematics and Science, Nanhua University, Hengyang, 421001, China
3 School of Physics and Electronics, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
4 School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Changsha University, Changsha, 410022, China
Background: High-intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a rapidly developing non-invasive treatment method for tumors in recent years.
Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the lesion and temperature effects of HIFU combined with different concentrations and volumes of ethanol on porcine liver.
Material and Methods: In this experimental study, different concentrations and volumes of ethanol were injected into the focal area of porcine liver using B-mode ultrasound, and the focal temperature was monitored using a k-type needle thermocouple. The peak negative pressure and sound intensity at the focal point of porcine liver were calculated by Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov (KZK) equation. Further, the presence of cavitation effects within porcine liver was further determined by ultrasound hyperechoic. The differences in lesion volume and temperature, caused by different concentrations and volumes of ethanol on porcine liver, were measured.
Results: HIFU irradiation combined with ethanol injection caused greater lesion volume and higher focal temperature in porcine liver. At the same HIFU irradiation power, an increase in the volume of ethanol resulted in an increase in lesion volume and focal temperature. At a fixed volume of ethanol injected and HIFU irradiation power, higher ethanol concentrations resulted in higher lesion volumes and focal temperature.
Conclusion: The combination of HIFU and ethanol synergistically affects the lesion of porcine liver, manifested as the larger the ethanol concentration and volume, the larger the lesion volume and the higher the focal temperature.
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